Wild Turtles

Turtles are beloved by many—but did you know that all eight of Canada's freshwater turtle species are listed as species at risk? While saving species at risk may seem like a daunting task, there are ways we can help! 

Real ways to help wild turtles

Turtles are a charming sight in our lakes, rivers, streams and wetlands. But their future in these waterways is uncertain. All eight of Canada’s freshwater turtle species are listed as species at risk.

Here are some ways you can help them:

  • Gently and carefully help a turtle cross the road in the direction they’re travelling (only if it’s safe to pull over).
  • Don’t introduce invasive species, which can damage ecosystems. Don’t dump aquariums in natural waterways and follow wash drain-dry guidelines for watercraft.
  • Support efforts to conserve and restore wetland habitat.
  • If you find a turtle that’s been run over or otherwise injured, notify a local wildlife rehabilitation centre.
  • Report any known collection of wild turtles and their eggs to a conservation authority. It is illegal to collect turtles or their eggs from the wild in most of Canada.
  • Slow down when boating near wetlands and shorelines.

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